#crowscare ingram
the-blackrose-reaper · 5 months
A crack animation I made, all of it is a joke 😭
POV: The aftermath of the BloodMoon ending in Crowscare
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tealgoat · 1 year
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A bunch of old crowscare themed art- I love this game!!
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quamaii · 1 year
OK SO I AM THE BIGGEST FAN OF YOUR ART! could you draw a photo of Ingram from Crowscare?
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JSUSHSUEHJSBEJEJE THANK U SO MUCH ?? this is the first time ive ever gotten a message like this im sobbing rn
anyways sorry for the late response but here he is !! i havent actually finished crowscare yet but i hope i did him justice
i just wanna note however that i generally dont take art requests or commissions at the moment. i just decided to do this because it was a nice message + i had nothing else to draw. so im sorry if u wanted me to draw something too but i probably wont do it ^^;
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mellissa-like-cats · 6 days
🇧🇷:Desenhos aleatórios de capa de caderno🤠👍🇺🇲:Random notebook cover drawings🤠👍
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dollarstore-kins · 1 year
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Pokemon team for Ingram!!
-Mod ET
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arcadekitten · 8 months
Curiosity: How do you think Ingram and Ryo's relationship would be different if they were raised as brothers? Either both raised by Venna or both raised by Rune? (Love these characters so much)
Hmmm! It's interesting to think about!
I think, if they were both raised by Rune, Ryo would be a bit more spoiled. Ryo wouldn't have to help with as many farm chores with a second, older person there. Actually Ryo might try to help with more of the "big boy" chores and be upset that he's always passed up by Ingram not realizing he's getting things easy by being told to go play instead. Ingram appreciates his desire to help but needs Ryo to understand you just need to wait to be older for certain things.
If they were both raised by Venna, I could see Ingram being super protective over Ryo. Taking the blame for things he didn't do if it means Ryo wouldn't get in trouble. Ryo doesn't TRY to cause trouble but sometimes trying to help just messes things up further. Ryo feels super bad when Ingram gets in trouble regardless of the reason.
Regardless, I think they would still hold a lot of love and care for one another and Ingram would always be trying to protect Ryo from the things that might hurt him--no matter what they are.
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fishtafier · 3 months
I drew a thing of ingram :3
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lyrictherobot · 8 months
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My first real post being fanart for Crowscare? Of course!
I have one more drawing, but it's a spoiler so it will be at the bottom of the post.
All this art is a bit old, but I still like it. I made it last year, mid year probably? I'll definitely be drawing more Arcadekitten game fanart, as each game I've played I love!
I wish I'd drawn Rune, but I remember trying and failing like three times. (Sorry Rune). Also, not sure if Ingram can sprout wings or not, seeing as he is a crow. If not then, oh well. I just wanted to draw wings! 😅
Spoilers ahead!!
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This one isn't my favorite but, oh well! I rarely draw people from the side, and my anatomy wasn't how it is now.
I wish I did some digital art or something for this, so that they'd have color.
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misssprinkles · 1 year
Ok so completely agree with your hatred towards Twyla! She's A LITTLE BI- i mean uhm.....
Quick random questions or shall I say opinion? You don't have to responded to this but there is a kinda cannon ship of these to characters.
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The frog dude is from semi-aquatic circus, but what do you think
I’m a little confused by the wording of this
Are you asking if I ship anyone with either of these characters, or if I ship these two together?
I don’t ship anyone with either of them.
And I mean I don’t ship them together, and I’m pretty sure that frog is just a background character, so shipping them together would just be based off of vibes, but I mean they aren’t the worse pairing I guess. From vibes alone they could be a pretty cute couple.
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fanged-f0x · 2 years
Rune: One kid is enough for me
Ingram: *shows up to his house covered in blood, half of it his*
Rune: nvm I want that one too
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mimeface · 2 years
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A fanart for one of my FAVORITE characters in @arcadekitten‘s Crowscare, Ingram! I love their characters so much it makes me CRY BRO
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These are meant as a joke, I have terrible humor.
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dorkwolf093 · 1 year
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I made the Oakvale (that’s their last name) family into Gacha.
Crowscare is made by Arcadekitten
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mellissa-like-cats · 16 days
🇧🇷:esses 2 juntos não dákkkk
🇺🇲:these 2 together noXD
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(Crowscare reference)
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sugary-bxnny · 2 years
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I was suppose to post this 2 days ago…….anyway BLUSHING INGRAM!!!
This is actually one of my first ingram drawings, pretty proud of it
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arcadekitten · 9 months
Hey arcadekitten!!! I was just wondering is Ingram short? because in Crowscare he seems to be not too much taller than Ryo, who is a child
I don't think so! I think this is just a result of the limitations of what I can draw in my own pixel-art style without things becoming too wonky with resizing
For example this is what Dr. D. Light and Embry look like standing next to each other
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If we're talking about the CG work I think you can see their size difference much better
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Ryo also isn't like, a SUPER young kid. He's closer to tween age than he is to toddler age or single-digits.
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